NEW! Body Sculpting

The Ultimate combination of Medical Grade advanced technologies offering a complete and prescription approach to non-surgical face and body treatments

For Fat freezing, skin tightening and fat melting and cellulite treatments all in one, you can easily bespoke a treatment plan to target your concerns unlike traditional liposuction there is no need for anaesthetic as this is a non invasive treatment. We use various strategies including cavitation fat freezing Ultrasound and radio frequency to reduce fat without ever needing to go beneath the skin, Unlike the surgical procedure of liposuction our treatment require no downtime… which means you can continue your day as normal

1. Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis AKA Fat freezing is used to target pockets of fat. This treatment works by using a vacuum hand piece to suck the target area inside. The plates inside the hand piece then cool the fat within the area down to as low as -6 degrees Celsius, causing the fat cells to crystallise and undergo localised cell death (apoptosis). 20-40% of the fat cells in the treated area die in a natural way and dissolve over a course of weeks via the body’s natural waste removal process.

2. Cavitation

Cavitation uses Ultrasound technology and is predominantly a circumference reduction treatment which is great for inch loss. The ultrasound wave disrupts the cell membrane of the fat cell by creating a vibration within the fat layer. The fat cells do not have the capacity to withstand this vibration and very quickly break down, being naturally removed from the body through the lymphatic system. Results from this treatment are often instant with a 1-3 cm loss seen per treatment, however, the results are progressive.

3. Radio Frequency – Fat Melting & Skin Tightening

Radio Frequency can be used for both fat melting treatment and as a skin tightening treatment depending on your concern. When using Radio Frequency for fat melting, the hand piece delivers energy to approximately 1-2 cm beneath the skin to reach the fat cells and heats the area to 40 degrees Celsius – the temperature at which fat cells will start to melt and metabolise. This temperature causes the cells to ‘squash’ and releases several triglycerides into the body that is released through our natural waste system, resulting in a smoother appearance.
When using Radio Frequency for skin tightening, the area is also heated to 40 degrees Celsius. However, this hand piece targets a depth of 3-4 mm to increase the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibres. This tightens the appearance of the skin and can also help to create a lifting effect.


Shockwave can be used for a variety of reasons – to treat cellulite, skin tightening and to improve lymphatic drainage to accelerate the results of other treatments. The mechanical effects produced can shrink and permeate fat cells. It also softens and strengthens the connective tissue, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Shockwave uses the body’s own ability to repair itself after the trauma of the shockwave, increasing the stimulation of the blood flow, expanding the size of existing blood vessels. This effect encourages new cell growth, creating a much healthier cellular regeneration within the treated area.


Everyone’s concerns are different, and we need endeavour to meet expectations, therefore we offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation in salon. This will be used to discuss the best, most effective treatment for you.

Courses – For ultimate results, a course of 8 treatments is recommended. Measurements and pictures are added to your 1st, 4th and 8th treatment which is kept in your treatment journal.

Cryolipolysis – With this approach, a 45-minute sessions is recommended and if an added shockwave therapy is booked on to follow then you will achieve much faster results.

What to Expect

Some clients may experience mild discomfort directly after each treatment, aside from this, it is a non-invasive approach to liposuction comes with very few risks or side effects, especially compared to traditional liposuction. You can go straight back to your daily activities after each treatment.

To find out more please contact our clinic on 07834644215

• Fat loss and skin tightening
• Tightens loose/crepey skin
• Rejuvenates collagen
• Contours & lifts
• Improves jowls & sagging skin & reduce fat
• Immediate visible results with virtually no downtime
• Results continue to develop over time

Targets stubborn areas of fat. Visible tightening & lifting for arms, flanks, abdomen, hips & thighs, Bingo Wings, double chin, cellulite and more …

Combined treatments using Cavitation, RF Fat Melting, RF skin Tightening & Shockwave

Bum Lift £150

Bingo Wings £125

Tummy Tuck £150

*discounts available on courses

Current Offers

Fat freezing just £125

Flexible payment plans could be available, please ask for more details.