
With many people seeking more natural solutions for their cosmetic procedures polynucleotide treatment is having a bit of a moment and is becoming increasingly popular in aesthetic clinics. Polynucleotide treatment uses DNA fragments extracted from salmon to bio-stimulate positive changes in the skin. Polynucleotide solution has the capability to send specific signals to the skin at a cellular level to bring about the actions we would like it to perform, so when it is injected into the skin it offers the following benefits:


  • Increases cellular turnover leading to fresher looking skin

  • Increases production of elastin to reduce skin laxity

  • Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improves micro circulation

  • Anti inflammatory and antioxidant benefits

  • Reduces dark circles under the eyes

  • Keeps skin hydrated

  • Plumps the skin and reduces hollow eyes

How does it work?
Polynucleotide treatment is a fairly quick and straight forward procedure. After a full consultation to assess your suitability for treatment you will be fully informed about the procedure, the downtime and expected outcome. On the day of treatment your skin will be prepared and fully cleansed, the areas for treatment will be identified and a few small injections will be performed. Usually a cannula (a flexible, blunt needle) will be used which cuts down on the number of injections and reduces the trauma to the skin. The procedure will be uncomfortable but any discomfort is short-lived.

Immediately afterwards your skin will be a little red and is likely to look bumpy and a bit swollen. The swelling normally lasts around 3-5 days and you may also experience some bruising so it is best to avoid this treatment if you have any important events coming up. You can resume your normal activities straight away but it usually advised to keep the area clean and avoid strenuous exercise, swimming, sunbeds etc until the area is healed visit our clinic for your Polynucleotides Chester.

Prices from £175

*Discounts available on courses

Maintenance treatment 9-12Months


At almost 40 & a newbie to facial aesthetics (I’ve never tried botox or anything) I was anxious & a little sceptical about injectable procedures - but now I wish I’d done it sooner! After two Profhilo treatments, my skin looks & feels amazing, lines around my mouth are noticeably reduced & I’ve had lots of compliments on how good my skin looks. Would 100% recommend to anyone wanting to look & feel younger.
